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文章来源:guoziqing 更新时间:2014-03-01 14:45 点击: 次
贺利氏控股(Heraeus Holding)
贺利氏控股网站:http://www.heraeus.com/ 英文
贺利氏控股(Heraeus Holding)创建于1851年,总部位于德国黑森州法兰克福以东的哈瑙市(Hanau)。历经150多年的蓬勃发展,贺利氏集团公司已经成为生产贵金属、齿科、传感器、石英玻璃和特种光源的全球化高科技企业。贺利氏控股集团推崇研究和发展,在其所属各个领域都处于世界主导地位,其下属的贺利氏古莎齿科材料集团早已入驻漕河泾开发区并获得了良好的发展。
Heraeus is a globally active precious metals and technology Group with firm roots in Germany, headquartered in Hanau near Frankfurt. The company has been family-owned for more than 155 years. Precious metals, sensors, dental and medical products, quartz glass, and specialty lighting sources are the focus of our activities.
Heraeus currently holds more than 5,000 patents. Over 350 R&D employees in 25 development centers around the world fuel our innovative engines. In 2008, Heraeus generated approximately Euro 3 billion in product revenue and Euro 13.0 billion in trading revenue with nearly 13,000 employees in over 110 subsidiaries.
贺利氏特种光源集团(Heraeus Noblelight GmbH)是贺利氏控股集团的管理集团之一。其发展历史可以追溯到1904年,当时贺利氏博士发明了世界上第一支紫外灯。集团研发、生产、推广的红外辐射器和紫外灯广泛地应用于制造、工艺流程、环境保护、医药化工、研究分析等领域。目前,该集团在沈阳设立了生产基地,此次租赁漕河泾开发区厂房是为了设立一个研发及服务中心,以便更好地为中国南方地区的客户服务。
1851–1896:“First German platinum melting house”
a pharmacist and platinum
The father of today’s global company was Wilhelm Carl Heraeus, a pharmacist and chemist who took over his father’s pharmacy in Hanau, Germany, in 1851. At the time, platinum was in high demand for jewelry making. But platinum posed a major challenge for goldsmiths: It had to be forged in a white-hot state, because it is extremely hard and has a melting point of 1769 degrees Celsius.
Wilhelm Carl Heraeus, who worked with local goldsmiths, was familiar with the problem—and he found a solution. After extensive attempts, he succeeded in melting two kilograms of platinum in an oxyhydrogen gas flame. The “first German platinum melting house” was born, and success was not far off. The young entrepreneur's customers soon included goldsmith shops and jewelry factories around the world, as well as dental factories, chemical laboratories, and companies in numerous other industrial sectors. Wilhelm Carl Heraeus continued to experiment with platinum, and found one new application after another for the precious metal.
By the end of the 19th century, Dr. Wilhelm Heraeus and Heinrich Heraeus had inherited their father’s business, and W. C. Heraeus relocated to new facilities just outside the city gates of Hanau together with 40 employees. At that time, around 1,000 kilograms of platinum were melted and processed each year.
1890–1912:Buoyed by the spirit of invention
Dr. Wilhelm Heraeus und Heinrich Heraeus followed in their father’s footsteps with a continued emphasis on research and development. They also brought on board a friend from their school days: Dr. Richard Küch, a physicist and chemist who forged solid contacts between Heraeus and the scientific world. His groundbreaking inventions and fundamental research laid the foundation for many of the activities the company pursues today.
Küch reached a milestone in 1899 when he discovered a process for obtaining high-purity and relatively bubble-free quartz glass from rock crystal by melting it using an oxyhydrogen blowpipe—a breakthrough with benefits for industry and medicine.
1920–1945:Growing into an international high-tech company
Research and development at Heraeus continued apace in the 20th century. One of the most outstanding technological innovations of the first half of the 20th century came from Heraeus: the process of melting metal materials under vacuum. For a time, Heraeus even operated its vacuum melting facility as an independent company that stood out for its innovative advances in the field. Between 1923 and 1933, the company received a total of 84 German patents.
In the 1920s, the third generation of the family joined the company. Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Heraeus was responsible for technical management for almost four decades, while his cousin Dr. Reinhard Heraeus managed the business side of the company.
World War I, inflation and the collapse of markets brought Heraeus its share of difficulties, but the enterprise continued to grow. In 1939, 1,000 people worked for the company; its annual revenues had reached 20 million German marks. With Dr. Reinhard Heraeus at the helm, the family-owned company had finally developed into a multiproduct enterprise.
When World War II broke out, this development came to an abrupt halt. Many employees were drafted into the military, and bombing raids all but destroyed the production facilities in Hanau.
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